Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sealed with a kiss

 It started out innocently enough...

But then Makenna Claire had an idea....

And all of the sudden things changed up a bit as she planted a big ol kiss on her brother's cheek. 

At first Rylan thought it was funny 

and then Rylan became beside himself as sister took pride in her successes.

No worry though.... Rylan got her right back.  
First with a light, friendly kiss.

But then went in and did what he does best...a Rylan Raspberry
 and all of the sudden they were even steven.

Happy Valentine's Day from The Case's. 
Hope your day is sealed with a kiss.

1 comment:

Nana said...

OMG, just TOOOOOOO cute!!! I love it, and love what you do to capture the wonderful Case moments. xoxox