1. Hello. Hi. Howdy. Hola.
I think I am enjoying my laid back life a bit much lately since this ol blog has been abandoned.
But it's not that I don't think of it...it's just that by the time the day turns to evening, my little ol self doesn't want to do anything but relax and chill with Scott or snuggle up with a book and be asleep by 10 or so. Therefor, there hasn't been much computer time. But it sometimes is nice to just be. Ahhh..
2. Scott and I had an absolute wonderful time in Portland, Oregon last weekend. Lots of relaxing, eating, drinking wonderful wine and just being together. It was a real treat to focus all of our energy on us. I'll do another expanded posting, with pictures, on it soon.. promise.
3. It's amazing how fast one can return to daily life after a vacation. Kids, house, errands, to do lists...yep, I jumped right back in but life is just a bit sweeter after taking a few days for myself and us. (thanks mom!!! xoxo)
4. And since being home, the kids have been in Nana and Phil withdrawal. Seriously, I think they need a 12 step program. Every day still, Rylan asks for Nana..wants to see pictures of her on the computer and call her on the phone..and when she comes over, she is greeted with the most enthusiastic expression of love. And although MC was so thankful to have us home, she now saids how much she misses Nana and Phil (even though they see them on an almost daily basis). I guess they did ok when we were gone..ha!
5. With Makenna Claire's birthday right around the corner (I can't believe she is going to be 4!!), we are beginning the festivity planning. It will be her first year having a friend party and she is so very excited! For some reason, every time you ask her when is her birthday, she saids February 14th. Silly girl. I think it'll be a princess party, although she came home from school today saying she wanted a Toy Story party because her friends Connor and Juan Pablo don't like princesses. Funny!
6. Rylan has an awareness of what the "potty" is and has been asking to go potty, almost on a daily basis. In fact, he insists on us going in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet (and of course not doing anything), and then washing his hands. I know he is no where near being potty trained, but having him have a general awareness to it all, makes me a little nervous. I am so not ready to go there yet! Slow down little man.
7. Scott and I are both in the midst of athletic training and it feels great! It's wonderful to be able to support one another through this adventure. (thanks babe)
8. We are in the midst of a blizzard here in Chicago. Horrible winds and snow, with more snow coming overnight (a couple of feet). Wind damage everywhere and many people stuck on the roads. Worst blizzard since 1967. Stores, schools and restaurants all closed. I am very thankful to be home, in my warm house, with my family. May everyone stranded make it home safely to their families.
9. Oh my goodness...we just had lightening and thunder, during a blizzard. Bizarre. I have never seen anything like this.
10. Now I must go snuggle with my honey, in my nice warm fuzzy socks under a blanket while the wind blows and the snow falls. Life is good.
1 comment:
Life is good, life is great......and you demonstrate it through this very loving blog......xoxoxo
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