Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Hello Tuesday..you are here again, already??  And it's the last day of November.  Seriously??  Wow.  Before you know it, we will be welcoming in 2011.  But. I. Can. Certainly. Wait.

2. After a wonderful Thanksgiving day and eating lots of yummy food and spending time with those we love and enjoying, laughing, sharing with others, at this time we are most thankful that Mom did supendedly with her knee replacement surgery and is recovering well in our home.  You go MOM....you rock!

3. Here is a layout of Tday 09...wow have things changed, in a few ways.

4. And now it's ok for the season to turn to winter, and we are looking forward to decorating the house in Christmas cheer.  I have a feeling that this is going to be one awesome holiday with the kids this year seeing that MC is all about writing a letter to Santa, wants to help me make and wrap gifts and is in awe of all the decorations that surround our neighbors homes.  And Rylan, he is loving all the lights and trees and points and grunts in excitement at each one we pass on foot or in the car.  So, very much fun!

5. I so need to do the kids layouts for 15months and 3 3/4 years...they are coming...soon!

6. On that note, do you think I can buy some free time.  Amazon, maybe??  Now that would be a nice gift! ;)

7. We are almost done with our shopping.  Well, not really,  but we know what we are getting everyone.  Doesn't that count??  :)

8.  These days Rylan and Makenna play together so nicely. At times, anyways (until MC decides she needs to demonstrate her alpha status).  Rylan worships the ground M walks on and does a lot of things his big sister does.  Like play hide and seek.  Like sit in "her chair", in "her spot", while watching a tv show (until M removes him).  Like clear his dishes after he is done eating.  Like so many things.  It's really too cute...

9.  I am saving my pennies for this new baby .  Time to upgrade as I think my skills are being limited by my sweet, and well used current camera .

10. I am looking forward to a no plans weekend and a traditional cookie bake weekend to come. I can't wait to take the kids to see Santa.  I would bet that MC will do fine and it will be Rylan's year to cry.  I am looking forward to crafting a few homemade gifts.  I anticipate the brightness of the Christmas lights in our home, especially in the evenings when that is all that lights up the room.   Basically, I am looking forward to this holiday season, and although I can't believe it is here, I fully embrace it's prescence.  Hello Christmas time....  xo, K

1 comment:

Mom said...

Love the Ten on Tuesdays! And love being in your loving home, such a wonderful place to recuperate. Love you all! oooxxx