Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ten on Tuesday! ...and even way before the clock strikes midnight

1. The second half of August was a whirlwind!  A week vacation in the Gulf, followed by a special birthday of the littlest person in our home, and then major catch up from all of that!  And as you have seen, the little guy is now on two feet so the biggest adjustment has been for little MC to share the attention.  For some reason, it seems that she is a bit jealous of all the attention Rylan has been getting which has back lashed into a spree of acting outs.  I just want my sweet, little girl back..peez!  Although I am sure this is just another one of those phases.

2. On a happy note, Makenna Claire started back to preschool!  On the first day she was so very excited and couldn't wait to see her old friends, see her teachers and make new friends.  She anticipated a lot of homework (hmmmm), but of course came home only with a big smile and lots of stories!

3. And since I started with the most current, now we can move back a few days when Rylan turned ONE!  I can't believe a year has gone by already...seriously, I can feel the anticipation of his arrival like it was last week...so full of hope, joy, love and eagerness as the day came closer.  Then to hold him in my arms for the first time, I was smitten in love all over again.

So with much joy and some momma tears, our baby has reached his year mark. We celebrated him all weekend long and he had a total of three times to eat his cake, and wear it too!  He did his finest work on his actual birthday where as his Uncle Brad stated...he turned into a smurf!  evidence. below.

nice work, Ry guy!!  We love you so very much.

4. We were fortunate to celebrate Rylan with our friends and family.  We had a wonderful time and it certainly was day full of memories. Somewhere along the way in the party planning, animals entered into a theme.  Not sure how that happened, but it worked!   Mom and I had a blast making safari cupcakes, and although the heat of the day caused their faces to meeeeelllttttttttttt, it provided many laughs and good times.

5. Wow..still so much to catch up on!  It's amazing how some times life seem so very busy with much a happening and then other times, it's back to the every day.  They each have their benefits, so it's great that life gives us both.  :)

We had just a magnificent time in Sanibel Island, Florida.  Scott, the kids and I first ventured to Punta Gorda before landing on the island.  It was a nice way to go slowly into a very relaxing, not much to do vacation. hee,hee...  We thoroughly enjoyed being together, so much so that I think the kids are still into Daddy withdrawal.
Once on the island, we met up with Gaga, Pop pop and Auntie Kellie.  Makenna Claire, especially, was in heaven.  All these playmates with a pool of water and a never ending supply of sand....all was good in her world!  We spent many days doing, well, not much but enjoying the sun, the water and each other.  Ahhhhh....

6. One of my favorite memories of the trip....

Makenna Claire, hosting a tea party for all at the pool... each and every day!
If you were at the pool, of course you were there to "play" with MC and were offered a drink.
Such the hostess with the mostest.

She is also quite the fish and loved swimming underwater.  At her first few swimming lessons, I thought I would never see the day, but with a bit of confidence and her making the decision to do it, whamo! 

7. Some of favorite photos.....oh how I L.O.V.E. these!


Somewhere, in some form or another, these will find a place within our home.  

8.  Here's a few more snapshots.

9.  Hmmmm...what else is going on???   I have gotten reacquainted to my craft room!  Oh, happy place. I actually have three layouts that are almost to conclusion and  I will post them soon.  It creates such a harmony and balance in my life and with Fall upon us, I should be able to find more time to get in the zone.  

10.  On a side note..we had our driveway blacktopped today so I had to use the front door to get the house.  Did I even have a key??  I found I did.  Did I know how it worked? Well, that was another challenge, but I made sure I could lock it, so I can get back in the house!!  ;0 
Oh how we have become accustomed to technology. 

 Hope you enjoyed the update!  Be back soon..xo


Mom said...

What a great posting, and great pics. You just radiate.......you are so beautiful and we are all so lucky to have you in our lives, sharing your life........and love.

Tootie said...

You have a beautiful family, but the last two pictures put the finishing touches to you photos. :) Looks like you had a wonderful vacation here at Sanibel and got to see some of the beautiful summer clouds at sunset. My favorite times.