There's this girl..she came into the world yelling and full of personality. She made sure we all knew she was here (finally at two weeks late!) and that she was going to play by her own rules. Today she is still the same, although she also has a heart of gold and a natural love and kindness for everyone, with a special heart for animals. Today she turned six and yes that's you, Makenna Claire.
Six seems so fun, so exciting and so right for you. I know that probably seems strange to it does to me to think and to write..but you just seem like you can hold the responsibility of being six years old so well. You are maturing right before our eyes...making more decisions like a six year old like volunteering to let your brother make a first choice and thinking of others before yourself more often than not.
This past year has been big for you in so many ways. You finished preschool and started elementary school as a full time, all day Kindergartner. And to no one's surprise, you have flourished in that environment and continue to love school. As many other parents worried that their babies weren't ready for a 9-3pm daily education schedule (this was the first year our school district started a full day program), your Dad and I never had any hesitation and in fact lobbied for it greatly when we had the opportunity.
You have grown so much. You are now a reader and your confidence is advancing. You see, MC, you can do anything but sometimes you can't see it yourself. However, once you think you can, you make very fast progressions. For awhile you were frustrated you couldn't read the entire book on your own or the book seemed to long to you. But now? You now pick up an easy reader book and read the sentences with grace. You try and read signs and notice words everywhere. You are also becoming quite the speller and the writer and you are always leaving us little notes around the house (which I madly love by the way.) Your phonetic spelling makes me smile each and every time. I am also really enjoying all the things you bring home from school. They are little presents to me...really.
The cover of your first book which is in progress |
You have continued with swimming lessons and you are now comfortable in the deep waters, enjoying your freedom and the water slides immensely. We have hit a little bit of a snag in your swimming lessons as you have admitted to your instructor that you are pretending not knowing some of the skills because you are afraid of moving up and having another teacher. Grr...MC, you are sometimes a bit stubborn for your own good.
After visiting the irish dance competitions this summer with Nana, your heart was set on becoming an irish step dancer. In September you started taking weekly classes at Trinity Academy of Irish Dance and you are in love. You practice every day and you can't wait to Feis and compete abroad in Ireland. Next month you are going to start to perform at nursing homes, parades and other hired spots and you. can. not. wait. You have been practicing in ghilles and you just received your first dress and wig. Let the fun begin.
You have lost your first teeth. Three to be exact, including one precious front tooth.
You still have so many people who adore to be around you and you make new friends so easily and everywhere you go. My social butterfly you are. I love watching you come out of school in line with your class and hearing so many kids say bye to you specifically. At the school fun fair a couple weeks ago, you ran up and gave so many teachers hugs and introduced us to your school family. The principle even knows you well (in a good way) and spoke to you in a way that I know she has inside knowledge. You get around Makenna..and I love that you are that outgoing, friendly and always, yes always, a leader. That in itself is going to help you get so far in life.
There is one word that I hear most often from people about you. "Sweet. She is such a sweet girl." As the saying goes.. if I had a penny every time I heard that I would be rich.. well, I would have a full piggy bank.
You love to learn and you are eager to do so many things. You are inquisitive and smart. You have an exuberance for life. If you had it your way, you would have a different activity every day after school. Momma...please can I do gymnastics. Momma..please can I take ice skating lessons (you said after you were on the ice for the first time). Momma...please can I stay after school and take a drawing class. Momma..please can I..... I admire your ambition and your desire to grow your skills and knowledge (but for now we'll stick with dance and swim :)).
You are also very strong willed and independent minded. There have been times where we butt heads and I wonder how rough the teenage years are going to be because I can already see a glimpse of who you are going to become. I am still working on letting go a bit to allow you to be your authentic self (within reason of course..summer dresses still have to be worn in warmer weather and sweet treats are still not meant to be eaten first thing in the morning). I do love your strong drive and I know that even though it creates some problems, I still admire that part of your personality. We'll work through it together..we always do!
Makenna Claire, you make me so proud. Thank you for making me a Mommy. You inspire me to be a better person every day. I walk this earth knowing that I have all my dreams answered with you, Daddy and Rylan. You are my sunshine and I will forever love you with all my heart.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. You are one very special Six Year Old and it is going to be an amazing year.
Love always and forever, Mommy xoxo
(written February 21, 2013)
1 comment:
Awww, I am crying, I was so touched by this post. We all have "full piggy banks" by having Makenna Claire in our lives, forever my Sweet Pea.
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