Monday, October 31, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away...Tomorrow..

 Tomorrow is here!
Happy Halloween from the Case children, or shall we say Annie and her dog Sandy.

We hope you have a day full of treats and not many tricks!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



1. Makenna Claire is counting down the days until the Halloween festivities begin.  Starting on Friday, we have four days of spooky events to attend, so I think she will get her fill!  :)

2. Oooohhh..I think I need to update our blog banner.

3. And update our family picture soon.  Rylan is just a newbie in our last one, so that would be two years old.  Oopps..

4. I followed up last week and made some pumpkin love.  I made these pumpkin bars and they were delicious.  I did make a few of my usual changes (applesauce for oil, and using whole wheat flour) and it worked out just fine, once again.

5. Last night I made these chicken breasts from a recipe I found on pinterest. Love that site (and have lost many of minutes carousing it) and this recipe was very good.  Will make it again, for sure.

6. And tonight & tomorrow, with Daddy being out of town, it's leftovers one night and pizza the next.  ha's all a balance, right?
(pizza party was tonight!

7. This weekend was an awesome running weekend for Scott and I.  On Saturday morning, I ran a first...13.2 miles as a training run for the Half Marathon.  I felt great and sped up for the last 6.5 miles...woot!  I'm so excited and feel even more confidant that I will go into the race as strong as I can be.

8. And Sunday morning Scott kicked some booty at the Oak Park Frank Loyld Wright 10k run.  Seriously, he outdid himself again and set yet another PR (personal record). Running 6.3 miles in 42:41 ..averaging 6:53 min/mile.  That's seriously hauling some arse.. Woot WOOT for you babe!!  Oh my goodness, are you a speedy....
The troops before the race..
Digging deep
Finishing gloriously

9. Scott had a running pal for the race..our great friend Alex.  The two of them stayed together throughout the run (amazing..), pushing one another.  SO Awesome..
Congratulations to both of you for setting new PR's!!

10. Little Rylan isn't enjoying bedtime these last few nights leaving this momma so very tired once he finally falls asleep.  May this phase go quick and we can get back to our normal routine------ok, Ry?? 

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am so grateful my camera is near by to capture spontaneous moments like this.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


 1. Little miss MC is all this and more! Sometimes the best photos come naturally, letting her be in her own element, do her thing, and do what she does well.  We were literally walking out the door and she grabbed her coat, sunglasses and her favorite scarf (which is knitted by her fav nana) and said......

 "Look at me mom...don't I look  pretty?"  

 "Yes you do Makenna..and you are one stylin fashionista of a little girl. I think I need to grab my camera."

And with a click, click, click..the moment is captured, and forever on film.  MC doing her thing, without any coaching or bribing.  And I have to say they are going to be a favorite capture for some time to come.  She is quite the star in her right and it comes so naturally for this little girl.
I hope her confidence and self esteem will always be this strong. And on days where it may stumble, I can always show her these photographs to remind her just what an incredible, amazing girl she is.

2. We visited a local pumpkin farm on Saturday morning.  The 25-35 mph winds made for a bit of chilly day but the kids loved it all the same.

But sheesh...the cost of pumpkin farm visits is ridiculous!  $36 for us to get in the door, and that is with a coupon and with Rylan being free!, and we still had to pay for the pony ride and of course, a few snacks.  I remember it being a bit different when I was younger (now don't I sound old??)

3. In preparation for the half marathon, I ran my first 10k on Sunday with a debut time of 1:03 for the 6.3 miles.  Despite the constant rain, my family stood outside cheering for me, rooting for me along the course.  Now, that's love!  

With less than 3 weeks until the big day, I am so excited to put all this training to bed for a bit.  (Hee hee..although I know I will be eagerly wanting to throw myself into something else.)

4. And Sunday night, we stopped by Oberweis where I couldn't resist their taffy apple shake.  Seriously delicious! However, I am confident that all 700 calories burned that morning were consumed in that glass..but it was well worth it!

5. Yesterday MC wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.  When I realized we didn't have bread (oops!) , I told her we couldn't do a sandwich. "That's ok mom, we can have an apple and carrots and dip them in peanut butter."  Wow..she's a smart cookie!  "You're right Makenna."  and that's when I also introduced her to ants on a log (which she loved!) , and we both had a new answer to the lack of bread in our pantry!

6.  It's hard to believe Halloween is right around the corner.  The kids costumes are ready and they are so excited.  We are trying to teach Rylan to say "trick or treat."  Not sure that is going to happen, but he has the "tank yoooou" down pat.

7. Throughout the day Rylan will be heard calling me.  "momma?"  I usually respond, "yes Ry?" to which he often saids..."ummmm" followed by silence.  

Each time it makes me pause because I know he just wants to make sure I am close and I have his attention and I know these days will be over in a flash.  From the #can'thejuststaylittlefile.

8. NU Football season has started for the Cases.  The kids surprisingly really enjoy the games and we are again headed down to Evanston again this Saturday night for the Homecoming game..after of course I run 13 miles which gets me back to #3 :)

9. I think I need to make something pumpkin tomorrow.  Pumpkin bars perhaps?  hmmmm.... I am getting hungry just thinking about them.  A pumpkin smoothie for breakfast perhaps??

10. Here's some closing cuteness for you!  Happy Tuesday..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

a few weeks ago..

During our Michigan weekend, we made our annual trek to a local farm to pick apples.
Honey Crisp apples...freshly picked off the tree...yes please!  And for only 1.29 a pound.  Extra special!

We all had a great time and ate the fruit of our labor while doing so (of course, right!?).

The kids and I have been to one pumpkin farm this year, but we still need to do one with Daddy.  Maybe this weekend... So many fun things to do during this short season.

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday..

5 facts about Rylan right now....

1. He is fighting naps. Big. Time.  In fact he hasn't napped in five days and hasn't really melted in the afternoon, until about 6 pm when he is beyond tired.  Unless we are in a moving vehicle, then he has no problem catching some zzz'ss. I'm not sure if I am ready for this..  And he is proficient at getting out of his crib, unharmed.  Toddler bed in his near future?? I'm afraid so.

2. He loves his trains, cars, playing with his sister, and doing everything..and I mean everything...he see's the bigger kids do.

3. Yes, this momma is still waiting and won't be surprised if a trip to the E.R. is somewhere in the future.

4. He doesn't like to wear a wet diaper, so he simply just removes it and goes about playing.

5. Upon waking up in the morning, he has to get dressed right away. And he has to have some say so in what he wears for the day. Shirts with characters such as trains, bears, cars etc.. certainly take a priority.

6. He is losing his babyness every day..bye bye baby chubs (although he still has those cheeks! yea!), and hello little boy.

5 facts about Makenna Claire right now....

1. She loves crafting, coloring, making things and creating.  (be still this momma's heart)  Her imagination runs wild and she can fantasize everything and anything from nothing.

2.  She is all about wearing dresses, boots, hair ribbons and bows.  Girly girl through and through.  On special occasions, necklaces and bracelets are a must as well.

3. She wants to pick out her own outfit (and does a pretty well job matching things!), brush her own hair and teeth, and pick out her hair pretty for the day, after deciding what her hair style is going to be.  (yes, she is that opinionated!)

4. Wants to be a Dr. when she grows up, to help people or animals. Has a special admiration and adoration towards all animals.

5. Loves writing and spelling words.  If she doesn't understand a specific word in a book or something you say, she will stop and ask you what that word means.  She practices writing her letters daily and is constantly sounding out the letters she is learning at preschool. Writing the letter 'K' in her name was the hardest struggle for her, but she has mastered it and is so proud. "momma...look at my K!". She 'writes' letters to her friend Hannah on a frequent basis, asking for sleepovers when they are big.  (and Hannah in returns 'writes' her back)  It's rather cute!

6. She loves her friends and her family, spending time with them makes her day!

7. She Is growing right before our eyes and such a little person of her own. (and yes..I know this doesn't equal 10, I just couldn't stop...)

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. We are seriously having the most beautiful weather this week here in Chicagoland. Low 70's and sunny....yes, please!  The kids and I have been soaking up all the outside time we can manage.  I think a trip to the Morton Arboretum and the Zoo are in our near future.

2. A few weekends ago we spent our four day Fall Get Away at our Rental House with our family.  It's been a tradition for years, and with each passing year, we always want to go back.  There's nothing like spending time with those you love, relaxing and just doing whatever.  Our planned century ride ended up being only 28 miles due to a very soggy, wet day (the only rainy day out of the weekend).  So we met our SAG wagon (thanks mom and Phil) at the rest stop and called it a day. Back to our house to eat and drink the wine we bought at the cellar the day before.  Still a very good day.

3. We also had a chance to visit a local Apple Orchard and we are still eating all of our hand picked Honeycrisp apples.  Yummo!  I think I need to make some apple goodies as well.

4. The Monday of our Michigan weekend is always spent outside, hanging out, playing with the kids, drinking lots of wine and grazing the day a way.  We don't head home until the evening and this year was no exception.  I have a zillion great pictures from this day, but here is one of my favorites.  L.O.V.E.
Uncle Brad and Rylan playing catch football
The deep concentration (the tongue).
The sunglasses upside down. (typical).
The muddy knees.

5. Guess who has mastered the art of climbing out of the crib?

6. And who has said bye bye to the pacifier?
Actually, this was so very easy!  In Michigan, I laid down with him on his floor mattress  and  I forgot to give it to him.  Ooopps!  However, he fell asleep without a problem soooo  they were all confiscated upon our return home.  Easy peasy..

7. I am working steadily on those pictures of the day.  No worries..I just need to upload them to the gallery. Soon...

8. Half Marathon is next month!  Wowsers... I am so ready and Scott is going to just fly, I know it.. We have a few long double digit runs done (woot 12 miles!) and we have three more long runs to do...12, 13 and 14 milers, then it'll be race day!  I am really looking forward to accomplishing this huge goal for me..although I know I have already done so much to be happy about! Honestly, I still have difficulty grasping the idea that I am a runner.  Never would of thought in a million years...

9. In putting up our halloween decorations, and looking for cute pictures to add to our decor, I came across a few of these.  Be still my heart..they do grow way too fast!

10.  Today is a very popular day for birthdays it seems since I know 3 people celebrating on this day!  Wowsers..but a big shout out to our Gaga of the family...Happy Birthday Mom/Gaga! Makenna Claire is super excited to wish you a happy day.