1. Words overheard. "Where's Rylan?", Nana asks MC while talking to her on the phone.
makenna............"He's out passed." (passed out/ asleep) {'That's what she said'}
Made me laugh and smile at the same time.
2. We are loving this time with Makenna as she is embracing the beginnings of reading and writing. She is in full fledged learning mode and is soaking it all in at the moment. It's just amazing to watch your child grasp the english language and embrace it with enthusiasm and gusto. love it so...
3. And I love all the projects she comes home with from school and how they adorn special areas in our home.
4. We got several inches of snow today. And it's still coming down. I think we must incorporate a snow date in our day today.
update...Well...we did it!
Makenna Claire LOVED every minute of it and has become quite proficient in getting all the appropriate clothing on for the adventure (thank you preschool!). Rylan wasn't quite so fond of all the getty up. And once outside, he preferred to stay in the garage. :) (It may be because he felt like he couldn't move or walk :D) M was very thrilled to eat the snow and go "sledding" down our driveway though. I love that it doesn't take much to make her happy. I know it won't be like that forever, so I treasure these "simple" days.
5. Smoothies are a regular in our home. Frozen berries, a banana and a little orange juice is all we need. However, we have started to add a new secret ingredient. Spinach! And you can't even taste it. Great way to add a few more nutrients easily to our diet. Even though we are blessed with two kids who love, and actually prefer, fruits and vegetables, it's just one more thing we can do for their health, and ours!
6. I'll be honest with you...my ambitious goals took a back seat during the holidays. However, I am back at it and even contemplating doing this duathlon in the spring. Hmmm...
7. And with that, we are back to meal planning.
This weeks meals..Stir Fry, Chicken tortilla soup, Turkey burger sliders in pretzel rolls, Tilapia and green beans & Asian chicken lettuce wraps. YUM!
8. Woot woot for routine and normalcy!! Holidays are fun but it's just as nice to get back to the "everyday".
9. "Normalcy," all until Scott and I sneak away next weekend to the west coast and leave the kiddos in the loving care of Nana and Phil for 5 days. Although MC and Ry are going through Nana withdrawl with them being away on their own adventure so they'll be thrilled to spend so much time with them.
10. And that means our wedding anniversary is just about here. Seven years already? Where has the time gone????...but it just keeps getting better and better in a way I never imagined possible.
p.s. Makenna starts her Ballet and Tap class tomorrow. A day she has been anticipating for months. And that is not an exaggeration. I am sure the first words spoken to us in the morning will be.."I am going to ballet class today, right?" Or words of the like. My little aspiring ballerina is so very excited! :)
1 comment:
Love the snow pics! And we cannot wait to get back home for Sweet Pea and Rylan hugs and kisses.....and more new phrases (we laughed all day about "out passed"). Love you all!
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