Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

1. Ahh..fall is somewhat here, at least in the morning and evening that is!  Our days are still filled with warm, short wearing weather, but with a high of 80, it is still nice.

2. a Case Fall = pumpkin lattes, pumpkin scones, honey crisp apples, Northwestern football, pumpkin farm adventures and a return to crafting and home goodness. Love it!   I love the change of seasons and love that we live in an area where we definitely have a change of seasons.  Bring on the cooler temps and the jeans and sweatshirts!

3.  I have done several scrapbook pages and have lots of goodness to share! Stay tuned.. pictures coming!

4.  OK...boy clothes.  All rumors and past stories need to be put aside, as they are so stinkin cute!  Maybe it's because I already have a girl, and a very girly, girl for that matter, but I think that little boy clothes are too cute!  How can THIS be denied??

5. side note..Have you seen this blog?
 Oh my goodness..how so creative and adorable!  I wonder how long she will be able to keep this up, but I will keep a watching, for sure.

6.  Rylan was in such a great sleeping pattern..what happened?? He got sick, and we are asking for it back. Peez...pretty peez..sleeping angels, do you hear me??  (thankfully it's just his naps, but it still makes for a very sleepy, crabby little guy)

7. La Croix sparkling water...it has been a staple in my house for years.  Mom and I have been a huge fan.  Well, now my whole family likes....no, loves it!  Rylan was just pointing to the box in the pantry and making a sound that said mom, i want some.  And Makenna Claire swipes my can whenever she can.  mamma mia.. i created monsters..

8. Remember this guy?

Mr. Serious has made a return with his one year portraits.

It might have something to do with his lack of sleep and or still not feeling himself.  Boo..

9. It still makes this momma very happy and smile..so I'll take it!  And him.

10. Rylan went down for his afternoon nap (thank you sweet sleep angels), so now MC and I are headed to play in our craft room.  Uh oh..now he is crying....:((

Hope you are having a great day! xo,K

1 comment:

Nana said...

Love the new posting! And too funny that Mr. Serious returned. This is so rare these days. Please take naps, Ry, Nana loves the smiles and giggles! xoxox