Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday

 The morning came with the excitement of Makenna running into our bedroom stirring the three of us up from slumber with glees and shrills of delight.  "He came, he came...the Easter bunny was here.  He came through the back door, left a trail and EVEN at my carrots!!!"

As we wiped our eyes and Rylan jumped out of bed to see for himself, we headed downstairs to grab our slippers and coffee to begin our day.  Easter baskets were opened- books, dvds- the lorax and the muppets, train for Ry and a few other little goodies.

The Easter Egg hunt was next...Makenna pursued it with skill and agility while Rylan received a little help from us.  They were both delighted to find little jelly beans and skittles hidden inside.  Both occupied most of their morning because if there's one thing my kids both have in common, it is the love for sugar.

We settled in for a great breakfast of pancakes, muffins and fruit, with a side of sugar.  Nana and Uncle Brad joined us for the day and we had a quiet day at home.

Quiet and relaxing with bits of play and lots of entertainment of course.

And that was our Easter Sunday. Happy kids who remind you all about the magic and time with family makes for a great day.

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