Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

Ten things I am so grateful for right now (written quickly, and without much lingered thought..)

1. Spending the days with my two children who keep me young, smiling, focused on the now, and so full of joy, hope and love. Love you 2 more than words can say.

2. The good health of my family and my loved ones (and me).  This should be  #1, since without this, nothing else matters.

3. The unbounding love of my husband who encourages me to spread my wings and dip my toes in all my wishes and whom I know will always be there for me.

4. The love, support and friendship from my mom who will always be my #1 fan. xo

5. Photography..it allows me to enjoy the moments of life longer, capturing the person on paper & preserving time because we all know how quickly it passes by.

6. Scrapbooking..for the reasons above and it provides me that creative outlet that makes me giggle.

7. This simple life..the daily routines..all with the ability to be spontaneous and spend the afternoon playing at the park.  (thanks jane!)

8. The smell and freshness of my clean children at the end of a good day.  And tucking them in bed with their lovey's, wilson and the paci,  knowing that they had a great, fun filled day.  ahhhh..

9. Scott's pumpkin spice lattes.  yum!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin scones, pumpkin candles, pumpkin bread, pumpkin smoothies...anything pumpkin.  It is Fall..

10. And a  restful night of sleep...signing off...night, night!  xo, K

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