Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Been a while since I've posted

But might as well wait for the right occasion, eh? With Kelly and the kids downtown for a few days, I'm doing the bachelor shuffle at the house. Came home from work today and decamped in the basement to get my work done and by the time I emerged to let the dogs out and plant a tree, a big wall of, well, rhymes with "spit", was bearing down on us to the point the dogs went out and came back in really quick.

After two hours of basement dwelling while the sirens madly blared and Mother Nature went all Terminator on us, we emerged to see what had transpired. Fortunately, still got power, nothing destroyed outside but some cool colors. Below are a slideshow of pictures and then I stitched together video from the backyard as well as the front of the house. It's still thundering and lightning in the distance...wonder if we're in for another round?

And here's a movie taken with some panned views of the front and back:

1 comment:

Mom said...

Cool pics!