Monday, September 8, 2008

Things that hearken me back to my youth...

When I was a kid (and many of you sit in my age demographic), you remember that one of the great things, I mean the really solid things about The Muppet Show was that they would have the top musical talent of the day do a song or two with the fuzzy cast.

Fast forward to "today" when I've got a little one of my own and to spend some time snuggling on the couch yesterday, I grab something from Crapcast's, excuse me, Comcast's, On Demand service. It works in a pinch and delivers Barney when you need it, kind of like the button that starts the morphine drip. Nice.

Well, we're sitting there and lo and behold, who graces my television but a bunch of Furry Happy Monsters having fun. Oddly, they're having fun with R.E.M. Even more oddly, the sound has a familiar ring to it...

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