Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ha...fooled you!

Rylan has been in a "no picture momma" stage for awhile. I do prefer candid shots, and love just capturing my kids, but sometimes I seek out a portrait and ask them to just smile for me..pretty please.
Lately when he does selectively hear me, I get pictures like this.  Complete cheese with a phony smile. thanks, Ry Guy.

So with sister away at Irish Dance, I decided to take him outside in the golden light and play a little bit of ball.  Once we were both having a good time, I grabbed my camera and continued to play and wHaLA!  Magic..

Still getting candid shots (my fav!) but with a little added direction of the focus done successfully with a little toss of fun. 
A momma's got to do what a momma's got to do.
And I don't think Rylan minded too much!  ;)

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