Wednesday, March 3, 2010


this lifetime opportunity of being a mommy is the best.

Do I have moments where I am frustrated? YES
Do I sometimes wish I can just have 10 minutes to myself to get something done? YES
Do I ever feel like I am so tired, I can't take care of one more thing? YES

But moments with my kids that make me stop in my tracks and say, "this is really cool" are far more frequent than any of the things that make this a difficult job.

This morning, dropping MC off to preschool, M gets out of the car with Miss Sandy (loving this pull up.. drop off thing!), she waves goodbye.."bye you lots" and blows me a kiss.

Really, is there any better way to start the morning??

And yes, she is calling me momma 80% of the time now and I have to say I find it completely endearing. Just love it and love her so.

Hope you have a wonderful day too!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Love and embrace every moment and memory. Being a mom is the best! xoxox